Diet Coke - Summit (2010) :15 (USA)

Directed by Blacklist's Pistachios for Diet Coke via W+K Portland, the two spots, “Fit” and “Summit” began airing last night during American Idol.

Titles: "Fit", "Summit"

Client: Diet Coke
Advertising Manager, Diet Coke: Andy Deutsch
Account Director: Thomas Harvey
Account Supervisor: Hanna Nesper Newell
Account Executive: Steve Metcalfe

Agency: Wieden+Kennedy, Portland
Creative Directors: Hal Curtis, Sheena Brady
Art Director: Max Erdenberger
Copy Writer: Ginger Robinson
Executive Producer - Ben Grylewicz
Producer: Fran O’Connor
Business Affairs Manager: Laura Caldwell
Illustrator: Tom Gauld

Production Company: Blacklist, New York
Director: Pistachios
Executive Producer: Adina Sales
Producer: Danielle Birch

Original Music: Charlie Campbell

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