DirecTV - Swim / synchronized swimmers & bearded man - (2012) :30

We've seen the "X puts you right in the action" idea before, but none looked quite as bizarre as the bearded man among synchronized swimmers.

Leading full-service marketing communications agency Wing ( is launching a new campaign for DIRECTV Latin America showcasing how DIRECTV lets viewers experience being at the Olympics from the comfort of their own couch. The campaign “DIRECTV Olimpiadas” uses CGI technology to transport consumers into the commercial, turning them into Olympic athletes.
Wing’s effort for DIRECTV highlights the superior experience DIRECTV offers its users when it comes to sports and entertainment. With over 900 hours of coverage and unique interactive tools utilized throughout the Olympics, watching the Olympics with DIRECTV could make the difference between watching and “living” the Olympics.
Wing demonstrates this difference in two: 60 second spots that superimpose two viewers’ heads onto athletes’ bodies. The spots illustrate that whether it’s the 100-meter sprint or synchronized swimming, the DIRECTV experience “transports” consumers straight to the games --unlike any other service can.
The spots were produced in collaboration with production house Blue Source and award-winning post-production company The Mill, along with esteemed Director Robert Laggatt and under the direction of Tania Salter, VP/Head of Production at Wing.
Wing was awarded creative duties for the campaign by DIRECTV in November of last year. The televised spots will air in Argentina, Chile, Colombia, Ecuador, Peru, Uruguay, Venezuela, Puerto Rico and the Caribbean.
“DIRECTV allowed us to take an original approach with CGI, leading to rich and engaging creative,” said Renata Florio, Chief Creative Officer of Wing. “We created a way for consumers to be transported into the commercial, allowing DIRECTV to reach audiences on a personal level.”

Chief Creative Officer: Renata Florio

Creative Director: Renata Florio
Associate Creative Director: Alvaro Naddeo
Associate Creative Director: Ruben Salavert
Art Director: Anthoni Rodriguez
Senior Copywriter: Omar Kardoudi
Producers: Tania Salter
Account Executive(s): Carla Noriega

Director of Photography: Eduardo Martinez Solares.

Production Company: MJZ Productions
Director: Robert Leggatt
Executive Producer: Kate Leahy
Line Producer: Mark Hall

Editing House:
Editor: Jon Devries
Producer: Sarah Brooks

Music House:
Composer: Cortes Cortes
Producer: Javier Cortes

Sound Design: Wave Music

Audio Mixer: Javier Cortes

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