Disaronno pleasure ad too pleasure filled

A Disaronno ad from 2003 and originally from the US aired in UK cinemas recently. But, it has now been banned for sexual overtones and "was in breach of guidelines linking sexual pleasure with alcohol consumption."

This ad is just one among other brands that have felt the hand of the ASA. Young's Bitter and Lambrini have been rapped in the past for the same violations.

SuperAdgrunts, see the "banned" spot here:
Disaronno-Pass the pleasure around - "Ice Cube"

A complaint was received accusing the ad of being irresponsible because it linked sexual pleasure with alcohol consumption.

First Drinks Brands said that the ad had been cleared by the Cinema Advertising Association and that it was centred around the taste of Disaronno. But the Advertising Standards Authority rejected the argument.

"We considered that the image of the woman touching the barman's arm and placing the ice cube to her mouth conveyed seduction and strong sexual overtones. We concluded that the commercial linked Disaronno with seduction and was therefore in breach of the code," it said in its ruling.

First Drinks Brands said that it had no plans to use the ad again.

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