Disneyland Paris - Magic Momentum - (2022) :45 (France)

Disneyland Paris turns 30 years old on April 12th. 30 years old of wonderful moments of joy and happiness shared with family, of emotions and children's dreams that become true ...


For this once-in-a-lifetime celebration 30 magical years in the making and with festivities that started on March 6th, BETC created the "Magic Momentum" film, bringing to life the magical experience of Disneyland Paris.


Produced by Wanda and Digital District, this advert that will air all over Europe features a young boy and his father watching the parade in 1992 when the park first opened its doors. Eyes filled with wonder, the kid witnessed a moment, frozen in time, that stays with him forever as a magical moment.


The camera follows the gaze of the boy and brings us to the heart of the parade. We get to see Mickey Mouse, Peter Pan, Timon, Pumba, Buzz Lightyear, Nemo, Merida, all the way to Elsa.


Through the different characters and their universes, we face 30 years of magic in a few seconds. We go back to our little boy from the beginning. Now an adult, he watches the parade with the same eyes filled with wonder, along with his young daughter. The film ends with a shot of Iron Man flying in the sky. 


A magic that keeps growing and is shared generation from generation.

Campaign: Magic Momentum
Advertiser; DISNEYLAND Paris
Brand Managers: Andre Delvallee, Federica Festa, Nathalie Raverat
Ad Agency: BETC Paris
Agency Managers: Anne-Laure Brunner, Marion Gondeau, Pauline Mezzadri, Amelie Damoiseaux
Executive Creative Director: Antoinette Beatson
Copywriter: Julien Deschamps
Art Director: Julien Schmitt
Assistant Copywriter: Kenza Amal
Music Creative Director: Adam Ghoubali
Strategic Planner: Juliette Ragagnon
Creative Traffic: Florence Bonneau, Charlotte Broyer
TV Producer: Clement Lesgo
Production Company: Wanda Productions
Sound Production: GUM
Director: Markus Walter

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