Dodge Charger - Mans last stand - (2010) :60

2nd quarter

Agency: Wieden+Kennedy, Portland
Executive Creative Directors: Susan Hoffman, Mark Fitzloff
Creative Directors: Aaron Allen, Joe Staples
Copywriter: Joe Staples
Art Director: Jimm Lasser
Agency Executive Producer: Ben Grylewicz
Agency Producer: Jessica Staples

Production Company: Anonymous Content, Los Angeles
Director: Mark Romanek
EP/Head of Commercials: Dave Morrison
Line Producer: Emma Wilcockson
DP: Sal Totino

Editorial: Spotwelders
Editor: Michael Heldman
Executive Post Producer: David Glean
Producer: Lisa English

VFX: Public VFX
Flame Artist: Christopher Noellert
Executive VFX Producer: Kim Nagel
VFX Producer: Christie Price

Sound Design: Stimmung
Sound Designer: Gus Koven
Executive Producer: Ceinwyn Clark
Producer: Jack Caitlin
Song: ‘We Took Vegas’ by Deadly Avenger

Audio Post: Lime Studios
Mixer: Rohan Young
Voiceover: Michael C Hall

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Robbotman's picture

I like how Dodge just came out and admitted this, it's brave of them to fess to the truth that owners of Chargers are secretly pathetic and oppressed.

Neo's picture

Brave that they used the serial killer Dexter as the voice over. Michael C. Hall could read the subway map and I'd listen.