Drink the Clean drink - Cossack Vodka - office party, Saturday, Countryside - print 1972

Cossack Vodka may have touted that they were the clean drink, but the images' innuendo suggested dirty doings as soon as the drink was finished. 

"well he did ask to see my favorite beauty spots"

In "Clean up the countryside" as roll in the hay is suggested, with the blond model tempting the viewer to join her for a drink. 

"Amazing that his friends couldn't make it..."

In "Clean up Saturday nights" the model plays Roger Williams "Temptation" on the record player, while noting that "his friends couldn't make it" 

"I never realized that nice Mr. Smithers had such pretty green eyes"

Finally in "Clean up the office party" you can practically hear the seventies porn soundtrack that leads us to the next scene.

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