DryRobe - Not every robe is a DryRobe - (2022)

It's difficult for brands when their names slide into becoming a generic term. Like Jeep, Chapstick, Frisbee, Bubble Wrap, Styrofoam and Q-Tips. Sometimes it can even become a verb, like Xerox and Google. To avoid genericization DryRobe has created this rather cute little ad to run on social media. If you're not familiar with DryRobe, you'll see it on Swimrun and Open Water Swimming events like ÖtillÖ, or just at the beach when it's not the height of a sunny summer day, like early in the morning. And, as countless knockoffs that are not actually DryRobe, which is how this ad came to be. 

Out of curiosity, I Googled (see, there's that genericization in action - but I did actually use Google) "Dry robe" to see how many generics would pop up in shopping and image results. Much to my surprise SHEIN offered something that looks nothing like a DryRobe. 👀 Or even a robe.

Creative Studio: Dark Arts

Principal talent: Ryan Donovan

Creative Director: Ben Hartman

Art Director: Francine Lamberton

Sound mixing: Stainless Sound and Music

Sound design: Harald Boyesen


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