Duolingo - The Tattoo DuoOver #TattooDuoOver (2022) 1:20 (France)

DuoOver is a pun, but I'll allow it. This is quite clever, if you've done an Ariana you now have the chance to fix it. For two weeks only starting from Monday 21 March - World Tattoo Day - Duolingo will check, and fix, the world’s worst foreign language tattoos, for free. The worst tattoos will be fixed at the world-famous tattoo parlor, Abraxas, in Paris. Can you be sure your tattoo really says “Live, laugh, love'' in Chinese, or does it actually say “Sad, soft, tuna”?
Ariana Grande wanted “7 Rings” in Japanese to commemorate her No.1 hit. What she got was”‘small charcoal grill’. To fix the mistake she had it corrected, it now reads “Japanese BBQ finger”. 
Rihanna has two misspelled tattoos. “Rebelle fleur” in French on her neck, but because the adjective is in the front meaning it translates as “flower rebel”.  She has forgiveness in Sanskrit on her side, but this is misspelled.
David Beckham had Victoria’s name tattooed on his arm in Hindi, but added a h.
This person wanted I love you, but got “Babylon is one of the world’s leading dictionary and translation programs”. This woman has “Thai spring rolls”. They must be a fan, or something went very wrong.


But don't fret, Duolingo is here to help. For two weeks only from Monday 21 March Duolingo’s world-leading language experts will translate the world’s tattoos for free, and respond directly with good, or bad news! Take a tattoo selfie and send it in.

Duolingo Creative Director James Kuczynski, “Everyone makes mistakes when they’re learning a new language, it’s part of the process, but making a mistake with a tattoo is very different! We’re taking an all too common language fail, and turning it into a fun, learning moment with real purpose. Be like Dua Lipa and make sure your tattoo is correct. Duo’s fiance has love in Arabic on her arm.” 


Colin Watkins, UK and France Country Manager, Duolingo. “Send us your tattoo and we can stop that nagging doubt that the Korean tattoo you got in Ibiza 4 years ago actually says peace and love, not penis love. People make mistakes and Duolingo is here to help. I can see friends and family sending us pictures on behalf of their loved ones.”


Gignoud Loïc, Manager and Artist Abraxas Tattoo Parlor. “You shouldn’t expect a tattoo artist to speak every language; it’s your responsibility  to learn the language before you ask someone to tattoo it on your body. Or at least have someone present who speaks the language fluently to oversee. We’re artists, after all, not linguists!” 


“It’s something we joke about but it actually happens all the time. Just look at Ariana Grande, Brad Pitt, Rihanna. If it’s happened to them it means anyone can fall into the badly translated tattoo trap!” said BETC Creative Director David Martin Angelus.


Everyone who sends Duolingo a tattoo will receive a code giving them a one month free trial of Duolingo Plus so they can start learning, and not make the same mistake again, or in the future! The TattooDuoOver code can be redeemed at duolingo.com/redeem between the 21st of March and 4 April 2022.

Ad agency: BETC Paris

Director Pierre Edouard Joubert

Produced by Paris-based Voir Films in partnership with General Pop.

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