Elan Skis "Men all over the world are crying" (2016) 2:24 (Croatia)

Ha ha ha. This spot is so silly. Grown male athletes admit when they cry (at deaths, over breakups, etc) but now all of them are crying over the one thing they can't have: The Elan Delight line of skis, designed for women. Don't judge their tears, ya'll .By the way, the athletes are Glen Plake, American pioneer of extreme skiing, Christian Mayer, World Cup Alpine ski racer, Olympic and World Cup medallist, Filip Flisar, World Champion and overall World Cup winner in Ski cross, Davo Karničar, first person to ski down from Mt. Everest, Matthias Mayr, Professional free-skier and Big mountain Explorer, and Bine Žalohar, Professional free-skier, competitor, and instructor.

Client: Elan
Agency: Studio Sonda Croatia, www.sonda.hr
Creative Directors: Studio Sonda, Croatia: Jelena Fiskus, Sean Poropat
Directed and produced by: Studio Sonda, Croatia: Jelena Fiskus, Sean Poropat
Edited by: Studio Sonda, Croatia: Eugen Slavik
Camera: Jure Niedorfer
3D Editing: Andraž Kožar
Audio recording: Chris Wherry
Audio postproduction: Aleks Poropat
Music: Bononiasound
Make Up: Sanja Rivic, Anita Mušič
Studio: Sonata Photographica

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HAHAAHAHA damn. I love this, mocking the emotional (Dove) ads, while delivering the USP as a source of envy. Perfect!