Epique "#BeautyNotANumber" (2017) 3:54 (India)

Epique conducted a social experiment to see what women think about the concept of ageism. They asked women to tell their age, and not one of them wanted to and most of them got super defensive about not sharing their age.
Then they asked the same question of young girls. They were thrilled to share their age. The grown women were then asked, if your daughter only picked one candle what would you think? The women then felt bad about themselves and would have said they wouldn't want their daughters to do what they just did. Then the women were humiliated a third time until they answered the question for real and put their real age up on the cake.
This is the one time where this kind of social experiment with a nice moral at the end just doesn't work for me. It feels like the women can't win either way.

Client: Epique
Agency: Good Bad Weird
Copy Writer: Vishal Sagar
Account Management: Rakesh Tripathy
Producer: Vivek Mitra

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Dabitch's picture

> It feels like the women can't win either way.

Congrats, you are now woke, as the kids say,

Yeah this was awful in so many ways. Glad you saw it too.

anindita varma's picture

Have never felt more empowered about updating my status as I have now! #BeautyNotANumber encourages us to be who we are, the way we are, and that is a brilliant thought. I am 28, and can't wait to flaunt it to the world this women's day! Ladies, update those statuses', and be proud!

jhilmil's picture

This women's day, update your age as your status and feel that empowerment from within. Be #BeautyNotANumber and celebrate womanhood for what it is. This idea is so cool and different, and I am really excited about it!