Estrid - For Human Beauty (2023) :50 (UK)

Every single person in this ad is an activist of some sort, and a model, author, podcaster, content-creator, illustrator, and award-winning too, naturally. Being an activist these days means that you star in a lot of ads to pay the rent, and your various surgeries.

- "Our goal is that everyone, regardless of how you look or who you are, should feel seen, understood and represented by our brand. We hope that For Human Beauty will remind people that the beauty industry should not be allowed to dictate what beauty is", says Ben Eliass, CEO, Estrid, in a press release.

Principal talent: Florence Given, Elíseo Equihua, Salwa Rahman, Munroe Bergdorf, Florence H-W, Sophia Hadjipanteli, Enam Asiama, and Gialu Mx.

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Another double mastectomy, why do brands think this self abuse is a cool thing to show?