Ewii - The Job Interview / Don't go into energy debt (2023) :30 (Denmark)

The Danish government introduced a solution to address the issue of rising energy prices. However, Ewii, a company, believes that this solution could potentially push people into debt by adding interest to their growing energy costs.

In Denmark, it's common to pay for energy in advance. However, Ewii offers a different option where customers pay only for the energy they use each month. This approach helps customers manage their finances better and provides a clearer understanding of how daily energy usage or saving methods can be beneficial.

To raise awareness about the potential debt issue, Ewii launched a campaign to inform customers about the government's solution and its consequences. They want to emphasize that choosing this option might lead to debt, which customers would need to pay off over the next five years. Instead, Ewii encourages customers to consider their alternative approach, which may be more suitable for them. As a result, some customers who had chosen the government's solution and faced debt are now excited to have finally paid it off, and they are reminded that Ewii's option could be a better fit for their needs.

Ad Agency: MBA Copenhagen
Production Company: Holy Ravioli
Client Director: Jesper Lysholdt
Creative Director: Rich Perusi
Creative: Kenneth Kaadtmann
Creative: Alexander Koefod
Executive Producer: Josefine Borch
Executive Producer: Mathias Starklint
Producer: Morten Pegelau
Director: Kristian Boysen
DOP: David Bauer
Gaffer/lysmester: Frank Omø
Production Designer:Veronika Bach
Production Designer: Thilde Ammitzbøll
Editor: Tue Eskildsen
Colorist/Grader: Jonas Møller
Sound Designer: Kevin Koch

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