Feed SA - Trolley - ambient, South Africa.

Feed SA is a charity dedicated to feeding disadvantaged people throughout South Africa. TBWA\Hunt\Lascaris says: "We placed decals of hungry begging street children at the bottom of supermarket trolleys bearing the Feed SA website and the line "See how easy feeding the hungry can be?" Any food placed in the trolley would appear to be given to the child."

Link to larger image

TITLE: Trolley
MEDIUM: Ambient
CREATIVE DIRECTOR: Adam Weber / Hennie Stander
COPYWRITER: Dan Parmenter
ART DIRECTOR: Wihan Meerholz
PHOTOGRAPHER: Seppi Hochfellner

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lordFredruk's picture

Good idea. But is it for real?

Dabitch's picture

TBWA\Hunt\Lascaris are not known for sending me spec work, but have shown some interesting ambient ideas before, so I'd say yes it's real.

Then again after the Saatchi New York thing it's anyones guess if anything is every real. However, I prefer to take a known creative agencies word for it when they submit their work.

Neaner's picture

Why wouldn't it be real? Trolleys are a commonly used advertising media space around here.