FiberCreme - Hug Me (2017) 2:03 (Indonesia)

Fibercreme is on a mission to unite you with your best friends, namely dairy, by making them more healthy and delicious. In addition to their TVC's FiberCreme also did something special for International Day of Peace. They had some cake and coffee stand outside and offer up free hugs for anyone who wanted them.
Considering the news lately coming out of Southeast Asia, this also has a deeper meaning, too. #LetsBeFriendsAgain

Agency: Iris Jakarta

Client: FiberCreme

General Manager: Irvan Permana
Creative Director: Albert Chan
Art Director: Feby Elsadiora, Michael Louis, Willson Ariyaduta
Copywiter: Adri Zainuddin, Ahmed Pasha, Andika Nugroho
Producer: Purwono
Account Management: Roma Natalia, Ahmed Syakbani
Content Strategist: Gustin Chandra

Produced by KOI Films
Film Director: Upie Guava
Executive Producer: Eva Depari
DOP: Ario Wirawan
Offline Editor: Kiki
Colorist: Ibnu
Online Editor: Niky

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