French Connection - Woman - (2010) :41 (United Kingdom)

The charming new French Connection campaign explores the tenuous relationships between 'man' and 'woman' and their surroundings. Directed by Leila & Damien de Blinkk and edited by Cut + Run’s Ben Campbell, the Autumn/Winter 2010 campaign offers a voyeuristic snapshot of the subject’s lives as if starring in a French New Wave film with a playful sense of humour.

Preparing himself for winter with a sensation of primal masculinity amidst his attire, the protagonist in “Man” engages with the elements as he goes about town, mostly as a wolf though sometimes compared with other beasts. On the contrary, the enchanting beautifully lit woman floats around the city in “Woman” without effort, enchanting in her style and grace. A complementary duo. Son vraiment belle, plutôt!

The whole collection has been lovingly put together on the French Connection website:

Agency: Fallon
Client: French Connection
Production Company: OneSix7 Productions
Director: Leila and Damien de Blinkk
Editor: Ben Campbell, Cut + Run

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