Gatorade - Man's Best Friend (2008) 0:30 (USA)

Aired 4th Quarter

This dog's master clearly runs on Gatorade.


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Anonymous Adgrunt's picture
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caffeinegoddess's picture

This might have actually beat out GoDaddy as worst spot of the year.

Dabitch's picture

what the hell was THAT!? It got my attention, that's for sure!

James Trickery's picture

Someone needs to explain this concept to me in small words.

Dabitch's picture

Let me try:

Dogs don't drink Gatorade, the thirst-quencher. Thus dog drinks a lot for a long time. Because he's really really thirsty. Because his master drinks Gatorade and took him for like, the longest walk, ever.

tod.brody's picture

I'm not sure that's possible. I don't think the "creatives" who wrote it can even tell you the concept. I can't imgaine how this made it through every level at the agency, past the client, into production, and then that someone actually made a media buy for this.

caffeinegoddess's picture

It's like someone attempted to make a shitty viral ad that they then paid a lot of money to air on TV. Stupid.

Plywood's picture


tod.brody's picture

When weighing the cost of producing and airing a super bowl ad, residuals for any single spot are chicken feed.

Andreas-Udd's picture

Something is missing from this ad. An idea perhaps.

Hygge's picture

Oh common, nobody saw this ad, did they? It was aired once during a stupid a game. Who watches sport anyway?

Dabitch's picture

I've changed my mind about this ad. I think it's brilliant. Super bowl should have worked for it. The silence. The dog drinking. The WTH? Awesome.

Dabitch's picture

I was just reminded of this ad as I compared it to the Burger King Andy Warhol eating Burger ad from Super Bowl LIII