Gatorade "Sweat it to get it: bro" (2014) 1:00 (USA)

Gatorade's new campaign thinks that belittling and intimidation is the way to go to get you to "deserve," their product. Even a person who is dressed to work out doesn't count in Gatorade's world, because they aren't hitting the levels of intensity usually reserved for pro-athletes, juicers, or both.
Hey Gatorade: If I buy something, I deserve it.
RegardlessI can safely say I don't ever want to see Cam Newton rub his sweaty football body over another person ever again. I know Gatorade isn't technically food but this spot's attempt at humor is as unappetizing as it is painful to watch.
In other words, typical alpha male jocks will love it. It's almost like witnessing a hazing, except it's over in sixty seconds.
There's this weird sort of aspirational thing going on that is backfiring a bit. It's pretty much saying to me that if we aren't million dollar athletes (who sweat like that on a daily basis) we don't count.
I wish they'd go back to Win From Within and making a larger points about sport. This is just dumb jocks being dumb.

Client: Gatorade
Chief Marketing Officer: Morgan Flatley
Senior Director, Consumer Engagement: Molly Carter
Marketing Director: Jamie Davies
Manager, Branded Entertainment: Nancy Laroche
Senior Director, Sports Marketing: Jeff Kearney
Director, Sports Marketing: Tom Prochaska

Agency: TBWA\Chiat\Day LA
Chief Creative Officer: Stephen Butler
Executive Creative Director: Brent Anderson
Global Creative Director: Jayanta Jenkins
Senior Art Director: Dave Estrada
Senior Copywriter: Nick Ciffone
Copywriter: Nick Cohen
Art Director: Jon Soto
Director Of Production: Brian O’Rourke
Senior Producer: Tim Newfang
Managing Director: Peter Ravailhe
Branded Entertainment Manager: Marc Johns
Sports Marketing Manager: Erika Buder
Project Manager: Parker Adame
Associate Brand Manager: Ralph Lee
Group Planning Director: Scott MacMaster
Planning Director: Martin Ramos
Planner: Rebecca Harris

Director: Jody Hill
Executive Producer: Luke Ricci
Producer: Brian Quinlan
Production Designer: Mark Snelgrove
Director Of Photography: Michael Svitak
Managing Partner: Michael Sagol
Editorial Company: HutchCo Technologies
Editor: Jim Hutchins
Assistant Editor: Joaquin Machado
EP: Jane Hutchins
Postproduction: The Mill, Los Angeles
Sr. Executive Producer: Sue Troyan
EP: Enca Kaul
Producer: Kiana Bicoy
Production Coordinator: Jillian Lynes
2D Lead Artist: Robin McGloin
2D Lead Artist: Scott Wilson
2D Lead Artist: Patrick Munoz
2D Lead Artist: Scott Johnson
Colorist: Nick Sander

Additional TBWA credits:
Junior Planner: Katie Acosta
Junior Planner: Matt Bataclan
Director Of Business Affairs: Linda Daubson
Executive Business Affairs Manager: Lisa Lipman
Talent Payment Manager: Mirielle Smith
Director, Traffic Operations: Dessiah Maxwell
Broadcast Traffic: Jerry Neill
Production Company: Caviar Content

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