Genesis GV80 - Going away party (2020) :60 (USA)

John Legend and Chrissy Teigen bid "old luxury" a long-overdue farewell. Instead, they introduce Young Luxury and the first-ever SUV from Genesis. The all-new Genesis GV80. The ad spends more time trying to make Chrissy Teigen a comedian than showing running footage of the car, which is a bit of a fail. It's heavily invested in the audience loving the duo, "who better than us baby?" says John Legend about being spokespeople introducing young luxury. 

Client: Genisis

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Dabitch's picture

Note: The ad that aired in-game didn't have the helicopter parked outside, as the memory of Kobe Bryant's helicopter accident is still too raw and the agency removed it. We have yet to receive a copy of the new post edited ad.

Grumpy Creative's picture

I hate these people.