Golden Corral and VIA have a family remind us it's an all you can eat holiday buffet.

The family-friendly buffet chain, Golden Corral, and Portland-based advertising and marketing Agency, VIA have created a series of ads for the holidays to remind you of their buffet offering. 


The ads focus on family and friends getting together, and in this case on one family where the father doesn't understand why some family members aren't taking a little bit of everything and filling their plates. The thirty-second cut here will air, as well as the fifteen-second edits - and all of the following 6-second buttons. 

Mom on the other hand, has another strategy. 

Buffet - buffet - BUFFET

And, naturally, you can't miss out on calling it a smörgåsbord, because it is one.

Ad agency: VIA

Creative Director: Teddy Stoecklein

Client Strategist : Craig Douglas

Project Manager : Sophia Abbott

Planner: Ellis Reavey

Producer: Amy McCammon

Art Director: Sam Myrdek

Copywriter: Haley White

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