GoldieBlox vs. the Big Sister machine - (2014)

Goldieblox return with a new toy and a new ad, and even a new song that they've secured the rights too, but an old old idea. They 'homage' Ridley Scott's Apple 1984 ad, something countless other brands have done before them, from musical kids toothbrushes to Motorola Xoom who used the 84 scenes to make a love story instead. I'm not sure "lack of originality" was the thing Goldieblox wanted to be famous for, but here we are. (previously: Infringe, douchebaggery, preemptive lawsuit, bad PR and eventually a settlement with Beastie Boys.)

The factory-line show little girls in glittery pink princess shoes all marching to receive pink-clad barbie dolls, while Big Sister on the TV drones "You are beauty, and beauty is perfection." Until our heroine, the curly-haired blond girl in overalls and converse, smashes the machine with a hammer. That's when the new revolutionary toy is revealed.

It's a doll.

Yep, Goldieblox have made a plastic doll with purple overalls and bright yellow hair, and somehow this breaking gender norms. I'm not sure what's in your kool-aid, kids, but I'm not drinking it.

Music: Metric - "Help I'm Alive"

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