Gone in 30 seconds

"Online gaming all night: Cool. Hour after hour downloading MP3s and porn: No problem. Thirty seconds so you can try to sell me something? Outta here. How the 18-34 male is reinventing advertising."

Another 'the 30'' spot is dead' article, although very true and insightful.

Wired article Link »

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AnonymousCoward's picture

Great article! thanks for the link.

Dabitch's picture

Related - how to catch that elusive market whilst online.
Well, Blogversations promises to engage the 18-34 market with blog-conversations on popular related blogs. Blogads is similar - "Blogads stir opinion makers. You need to woo the early adopters that traditional media can't reach. You need to impress 100,000 opinion makers with a colorful pitch, not pester 100,000,000 nobodies with a soulless textad or banner."