Google Pixel - "Lizzo in Real Tone" (2022) :60 (USA)

Google Pixel's new camera technology tackles the issue of capturing darker skin tones properly, it's called "Real Tone". This also ad features unreleased music from Lizzo. 

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Anonymous Adgrunt's picture
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Lizzo Rules's picture

What a simple and beautiful spot.

Kissmekatey's picture

This was beautifully shot. Very nice. I didn't care much for Lizzo's song.

Neo's picture

This feels like "shot on iPhone" with less airbrushing or reality.

Anonymous Adgrunt's picture

Soooo, basically their camera is shit so they're editing the photos with software to make it look "better" (and I'm not sure that lightening black peoples skin is "better") and then pretending that this is a feature, not a software solution to a bad camera?

Anonymous Adgrunt's picture

Please never show this foolishness again. Lighting determines photo quality not phone technology. The commercial has racist over and undertones. It’s insulting.

Anonymous Adgrunt's picture

You literally showed three photos shot in very dark environments then showed a bunch shot in super light environments... The people are amazing and beautiful, but it seems like you're trying to sell some BS "tech."

Anonymous Adgrunt's picture

A camera is the least racist thing ever. It’s pure physics, just light on a sensor. That commercial is pandering at the worst level. You showed the difference between poor lighting and good lighting with added post processing. How dumb do you think black people are?

Anonymous Adgrunt's picture

It's a skin lightening filter 😭

The Officer Tatum's picture

I just can't. This is too racist. Please fire your ad people.

Anonymous Adgrunt's picture

You said "maybe they needed to show the range" and I lost it 😂

And you're right, why is there a white woman in the ad just because she is disabled? Do they look less disabled with this filter tech?

Anonymous Adgrunt's picture

This commercial is insulting everyone’s intelligence. They really think we’re stupid.

Anonymous Adgrunt's picture

The only thing they went through my mind during that whole commercial, Google saying….you ain’t black unless you buy a Google pixel 6 😂