Grey NYC's homage to Sinhead: Nothing compares to you-ouu-huuu buu-huu

Thank you, dear deep throat at Grey for sending is this super weird homage to Sinhead:

"Nothing Compares To 2"

- Grey is moving their creative offices to the second floor. Tor Myhren does not approve.

No more skyline views and cushy offices for Grey NYC's creative department. Creative Director Tor Myhren gets them ready for the move to CubicleLand on the second floor.

Oh my god, is that lipgloss on Tor? It is! He's wearing lipgloss to perfect the Sinhead homage! You have to love that!

I want to work for a creative director this crazy. The most "daring" thing my current one ever does is wear a pink tie. *sigh*

Client: Grey NYC
Principal talent: Tor Myhren

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Dabitch's picture

I swear to god this makes me want to start a Tor Myhren fan club. Who's with me?

caffeinegoddess's picture

*Raises hand*

payote's picture

Does this make anyone want to work at Grey?

Dabitch's picture

Hells yes! I want a CD with this kind of crazy baked in! But I'd rather he didn't wear the gloss every day. I'll get too distracted... (it makes Grey sound bad but drab place in combo with nutter CD is totally all good. Compare great place with bad CD = all bad.)

cartoonconn's picture

there's a grey in nyc?'s picture

Very, very daring, I must say. Can't say I could handle the entire thing, though.

smizzly_bob's picture

That was a fantastic song, but is he really wearing lipgloss or is that just glare from the light?

Ich Liebe's picture

Is he available for parties?