Guerilla campaign with holes in it

Actually that's not fair, the guerilla campaign created by Duval Guillaume in Brussels for the Overpoort Bowl doesn't have holes in it - rather it is holes. Three of 'em! Stuck as a sticker on any round object it instantly turns helmets or salad heads into bowling balls.

The campaign was played out locally in Ghent, where the bowling alley is. In several pubs in the neighborhood, the toilet sign was replaced with a sign in which the icon held its head as a bowling ball.

And anything with the right round shape - traffic signs, helmets, water melons - got stickered and became a bowling ball.

Client: Overpoort Bowl
Advertising manager: Lucien De Vos
Agency: Duval Guillaume Brussels
Creative director: Katrien Bottez, Peter Ampe
Art director: Geert De Rocker
Copywriter: Tom Berth
Graphism: Lim Sijmons
Studio: Mark Gillioen
Production: Willy Hebbrecht
Account: Matthias Dubois

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caffeinegoddess's picture

Nice and simple. I like.

James Trickery's picture

It's clear that the stickers don't stick on salad heads. And I believe that those stickers only exist on these items that have been photographed, and that sign is on the inside of a bathroom door at their own office.
It's like one of those L