Häagen-Dazs makes psuedo-code headlines for San Francisco posters

Anyone traveling with BART in San Francisco is likely to spot these posters for Häagen Dazs, where the 'headline' is meant to be some sort of pseudo code. It uses square brackets just like Smalltalk and the "Greater Than" sign that makes my brain turn it all into greentext. It's not quite the Google prime number billboard or the EA Billboard in Canada that spelled out "now hiring" in .

No, it doesn't make sense, but frankly, I'm used to that when it comes to Häagen-Dazs, who uses the ä just because it looks cool, and used to have a map of Scandinavia on the packaging with "Oslo" as the capital. Strike that, this was "Frusen Glädje" brand, got them mixed up in my memory.

That Häagen-Dazs is utterly clueless when it comes to anything but ice cream is fine by me because their coffee flavor is divine. In fact, I'm surprised they haven't run a campaign on "we know nothing but ice cream" yet, it seems to work so well with their name and early quirks.

Also, just so you know, Häagen-Dazs, "Äh" in Swedish means "whatever" - your tagline really reads like whatever to me. The new "whatever" campaign is from JWT New York.

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