Heathrow Terminal 5 - The world's largest mistletoe - (2009) :30 (UK)

The world's largest sprig of mistletoe hangs in the ceiling at Heathrow Terminal 5. It's a ten foot by eight foot structure, which took three weeks to construct, weighs 43kg and includes more than 50 feet of steel tubing and 25 stainless steel balls. Steel balls folks. It's officially the biggest kissing spot there is. If you fancy a snog you should camp out under it. ;)

"The giant mistletoe, which is suspended just three metres from the ground, was created to enable the one million passengers expected to arrive into Terminal 5 in December the chance to share a truly memorable moment with their loved ones. It is hoped that more than two million Christmas kisses will take place under the mistletoe over the coming month. To ensure no one misses out on the yuletide tradition, other giant mistletoe will also be installed in Terminals 1, 3 and 4. "

Client: Heathrow

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