The latest edition of the awards’ annual campaign combines op art with a gently provocative message.


The Epica Awards has underlined its unique positioning in the awards landscape with a new advertising campaign from Hecho Studios Amsterdam. The work wittily suggests to potential entrants that it’s time to leave the “self love” to other awards.

Hecho Studios brought together photographer André Bakker and body paint artist Ton Nizet to create striking images that shed light on the status quo of creative awards and Epica’s uniqueness.


"Self-Love. Leave it for the other awards"

“We appreciate the aesthetic and unique perspective Epica brings to judging creative work. To elevate this we wanted to convey a bold and visually striking message inspired on op art. With André and Ton in the mix, we managed to create an eye-catching visual that illustrates self-affirmation with a dash of sex-appeal” says Gregg Clampffer, Executive Creative Director at Hecho Studios Amsterdam.

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