Henry Hobson Joins Furlined

Los Angeles, CALIF. (April 29, 2014) – Furlined, a Los Angeles-based commercial production company, is proud to announce the addition of director Henry Hobson to its roster.

Henry’s epic narratives challenge and engage the senses. “I’ve always been interested in telling a story visually and giving it a sense of thrill; where you slowly bring the characters to life to reveal their true selves,” Henry says.

Henry Hobson Joins Furlined

“Henry is a master storyteller,” Diane McArter, President of Furlined, says. “His nuanced characters and richly cinematic story worlds explore the depths of the human psyche. Henry’s work is reminiscent of the true greats of our industry.”

The Aftermath, part of Henry’s recent campaign out Team One for client 2K Games’ XCOM Declassified, pulsates with tension. There’s a chilling sense that the unknown is always lurking.

Henry is currently in post-production on his first independent feature film, Maggie, starring Abigail Breslin and Arnold Schwarzenegger, in his first non-action role. Henry hails from England and studied at the Royal College of Art in London. He has designed title sequences for some of the biggest films and television shows in recent years. He resides in Los Angeles.

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