Honda SH mode 125 "This must be the world" (2013) 1:30 (Italy)

This must be the rain and the sun and colors. This must be a European spot for a Honda Scooter, directed by Luigi Pane.

Client: HONDA Europe

agency: McCannWorldgroup
creative director: Alessandro Sciortino
senior art director: Andrea Vercellino
senior copywriter: Paolo Chiabrando
art director: Riccardo Daverio
copywriter: Jan Mattassi
production company: abstr^ct:groove
director: Luigi Pane
executive producer: Giada Risso
producer: Mauro Mastronicola
cinematographer: Dario Ghezzi
photographer: Diego Indraccolo
set designer: Federica Bologna
stylist: Roberto Lo Noce
steady operator: Luca Dell'Oro
1st AD: Alice Gatti
production assistant: Alessandro Salerno
colorist: Diego La Rosa
motion design: Luca Siano
music: Aimèe Portioli, Luca Sammartin (TapTempo Studio)
sound design: Gigasound

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Devil's picture

Simply beautiful, sensual and visually powerful. It's really hard to see a scooter campaign like this.

Ermelinda Zeri's picture

Song's name = Dive Twice (Yoop) available on iTunes.