How soft are Cordarounds '007 Jackets?

Copywriters have it rough. There are only so many words in the English dictionary and sometimes it's impossible to find the perfect word to describe a product or service.

To describe how soft a jacket's pocket was, this writer just made up his own word. Does it work? Only Women's Rights Groups can say.

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Anonymous Adgrunt's picture
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malkie66's picture

Crikey! That's a bit rich.

Dabitch's picture

I was gonna call it cheeky but I didn't want to go there.

TDD's picture

Pretty close sounding to Vagisil™.

Jacques Meoff's picture

Well, let's be thankful they didn't go with Scro-Soft™.

Erica Johnson's picture

Wow. Quite the name there. Has anyone else noticed that the lining of the pocket is red? A bit too real if you ask me...