Huggies - “Welcome to the World, Baby” (2021) :30 (USA)

Huggies welcome brand new babies to the world and says that football will make sense later. How much later? I still only understand the ads!


The spot features babies that were actually born today. Oh how fun, there's a little baby named Freyja in the ad. Hi Freyja! This is 30 seconds of 100% cute, it'll get the parents right in the smiles. It is also the first time a diaper brand advertised in the Super Bowl. 

Ad agency: Droga5

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Anonymous Adgrunt's picture

Welcome Stella, Donyelle, Olivia, Raiden! This is really nice and I see that they added fathers caring for their babies in this ad. Congratulations all you little ones being born on a big day.

Anonymous Adgrunt's picture

Someone needs to take notice of this, the Huggies ad was extremely well written. It wasn't cloying or pandering or overly indulgent like some other ads in this Super Bowl.