Hunter and Bear are back for Tippexperience timetravel on youtube

Last time we saw the hunter and the bear we could change the story and have him tickle the bear, play soccer with the bear, party with the bear.. and now the Hunter and the bear are back! They're celebrating the bears birthday party when one of those pesky viral meteoritesss come crashing in. With Tipp-ex you can now time-travel to 2005 when youtube was brand new, your birth year or any other times with the hunter and the bear to change the story. No points for doing the dramatic bear in 2005, you know that wasn't happening back then....

Here's the case study of a Hunter Shoots a bear

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AnonymousCoward2's picture

0-1 Jesus
2-476 Roman
477-1453 Excalibur
1454-1788 Leonardo
1492 Columbus
1789-1799 French Revolution
1800-1894 Old West
1895-1913, 1919-1928, 1946-1949 Silent Movie
1914-1918 WWI
1929-1938 Great Depression
1939-1945 WWII
1950-1959 Rock & Roll
1960-1968 Psychedelic
1969 Moon Landing
1970-1978 Disco
1974 World Cup
1979-1980 Bears vs. Hunters Pac-man Game (1 Stage Only)
1981 Make your own Graffiti
1989 Berlin Wall
1990-1997, 1999 Saved by the Bell
1998, 2002, 2006, 2010 World Cup
2000 Y2k bug
2001 9-11
2003 Governator
2004 Facebook
2005 Youtube
2007 Cell Phone Revolution
2008 Obama
2009 Michael Jackson
2011 Dominique Strauss-Kahn
2012 Apocalypse
2013-2049 Aliens
2050-9999 Transcendence
10,000-? Knock Please
999999999 Hyperspace Error

AnonymousCoward's picture

Good job, but there are also scenes before Christ:

0 to -32: Roman
-33 to -3600: Egypt
-3601 to -2.400.000: Prehistory
-2.400.001 to -240.000.000: Dinosaurs
-240.000.000 to - Big Bang

Mjsverige's picture

It's fun. But lacks any kind of commercial relevance. More here:

Dabitch's picture

Right, yeah I see what you mean. I think part of the fascination of this campaign stems from the use of youtube in this fashion, even if we've seen Sly Stallone blow up youtube and that Gothic crew who cleaned up beaches in France way back in 2009 did it first. Those examples didn't use the entire platform like the hunter and the bear does. But really, it's just an updated Subservient Chicken placed on Googles largest ad media platform a.k.a Youtube. Which demonstrates that you can write anything in the fresh white box that tipp-ex strips fixed for you. ;)