Hyundai Canada: Gaspocalypse 1:00 (Canada)

It’s Mad Max meets comedy with this spot to sell the Hyundai Sonata Hybrid. This will air in Canada during the Super Bowl on CTV .

It's kinda silly, but it's a nice choice of music.

But Gaspocalypse? I long for a day when we won’t have to make up words.

Title: Gaspocalypse
First Air Date: February 3rd, CTV during the half time of the Super Bowl

Client: Hyundai Auto Canada Corp (HACC)
Vice President, Marketing: John Vernile
National Advertising Director: Steve Majewski

Creative Agency: Innocean Worldwide Canada
Executive Creative Director: Gary Westgate
Creative Directors: Gary Westgate, Nelson Quintal
Art Director: Simon Duffy
Writer: Gary Watson
Agency Producer: Alina Prussky
VP, Group Account Director: Daniel Buckley
Account Director: Shannon Beaver
Agency Planner: Paul Kron

Production Company: Steam Films/Tool of North America
Director: Benjamin Weinstein
Line Producer: Jason Manz
Executive Producers: Krista Marshall, Jennifer Syces
Director of Photography: Amira Mokri

Editor: Brian Wells
Editorial Company: School Editing

Colorist/Transfer: Sean Coleman, CO3
Music and Sound Design: RMW
Music Producer/Sound Design: Steven MacKinnon, Ted Rosnick
Media Agency: Innocean Worldwide Canada
Media Agency Planner: Spiro Paravantes

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