Hyundai Elantra - Victory Lap (2012) :30 (USA)

Pre-game spot.

Client: Hyundai
Agency: Innocean
CD: Ed Miller
AD: Tyson Brown
Copy: Cooper Olson, Jonathan Hum
Prod Co: Mighty Film Co.
Director: Alexander Paul
DP: Stephan Von Borbely
EP: Eric Bonniot
Producer: Susanne Porzelt
VFX: Liquid
Lead VFX Artist: James Bohn
VFX Artist: David Parker
Producer: Terry O'Gara
Editorial Co: Spot Welders
EP: David Glean
Senior Producer: Carolina Wallace
Editor: Michael Heldman
Asst. Editor: Patrick Murphree
Telecine Co: New Hat
Mixer: Bob Festa
Shoot Location: NYC, Hamptons, Alabama

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So is this filming location somewhere in Alabama OR somewhere in the Hamptons?