Important - Save the day - Response (2016)

When Josh Whedon's Save the Day choddy was created, he might not have expected it to be mocked mercilessly. Yet here we are. In this pisstake, bunch of not famous actors run heavy on the sarcasm thanking the very famous actors for reminding us all to vote, and that every persons vote is important. They must put something in the water over in Pittsburgh, because I don't know anyone from there who isn't an expert at dry sarcasm. Remind me to take a vacation there, I'll feel right at home. Quick turnaround on this too, which is essential when you do a parody response to another ad. src="">Save the Day choddy was created, he might not have expected it to be mocked mercilessly. Yet here we are. In this pisstake, bunch of not famous actors run heavy on the sarcasm thanking the very famous actors for reminding us all to vote, and that every persons vote is important. They must put something in the water over in Pittsburgh, because I don't know anyone from there who isn't an expert at dry sarcasm. Remind me to take a vacation there, I'll feel right at home. Quick turnaround on this too, which is essential when you do a parody response to another ad.

Ad agency: Brabendercox

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