Introducing the Epica awards in Sri Lanka

The 4As in Sri Lanka has partnered with The Epica Awards to launch a special edition of the awards specifically for the country. The Epica Awards Sri Lanka will take place in Colombo on August 16 and 17 and will include a conference and an awards ceremony.

The jury will be composed of regional and international journalists who specialise in advertising and design, including some of those who serve on the main Epica Awards jury. 

Mark Tungate, the editorial director of the Epica Awards – who moderates the international jury – explained: “When Sri Lanka 4As President Sugibun Sathiamoorthy approached us about creating an Epica-branded event there, it quickly became obvious that he wanted to do something very much in the spirit of our international competition, i.e. bias-free and objective. We were impressed by his enthusiasm for the project, so we were delighted to help him and the 4As bring it to life.”


Why did you decide to start a special edition of the Epica Awards for Sri Lanka?

The last time we had a creative award show locally was 10 years ago. Since then, although Sri Lankan agencies have entered and won at international award shows, we really feel the absence of a local platform that gives advertising professionals an opportunity to showcase their work to a jury of international standards. This is essential to cultivate the competitive spirit that drives creativity. 

What is your own agency background and where do you work now?

I was 19 when I joined Grant McCann. From there I moved to Lowe LDB. At both agencies I was fortunate enough to work with the best senior creatives and great brands in the country. Four years ago I started my own independent agency, Magic Mango, with my best friend.

How do you view the standard of Sri Lankan creativity?

I would look at Sri Lankan creativity as something bigger than just advertising. In the past five-to-ten years, we have seen an explosion of Sri Lankan creativity in creative industries like music, music videos, gaming, writing, art, design, filmmaking, reality TV, online content and tech start-ups. Advertising finds itself no longer leading the creative charge, but rather having to keep up with these other industries, which I believe is a good thing because it doesn’t allow us to be complacent. I feel our own advertising creativity has not grown at this exponential pace, and therefore needs a bit of a push. 

Why have a jury of journalists who write about creativity rather than people who work in advertising?

Advertising is not created for advertising people right? Therefore I think it’s important that we invite outside opinion and critique from other quarters to give us a fresh perspective, which is also unbiased. Otherwise we will always be patting each other on the back. The Epica Awards is the ideal platform because it is judged by journalists, but those who are recognized and respected by the advertising industry.   

What is your ambition for The Epica Awards Sri Lanka?

My personal ambition is to give the industry something that will motivate us to create better work for our clients and consumers. As the 4As President, I hope this will grow into a regional creative show since this is the first Epica Awards edition in South Asia.  

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