the IPA made Adland Lego figures, collect them all!

Graham Fink with shedloads of awards
John Hegarty - with Paul Smith suit!
Lord Bell
Justin Tindall
Johnny Hornby
Jeremy Bullmore

Top old blokes of advertising, sorry, leading industry figures including Sir Martin Sorrell, Sir John Hegarty, Lord Bell, Johnny Hornby and Jeremy Bullmore, have been immortalized in Lego as part of a ‘build your career’ campaign to highlight the high calibre of speakers that the IPA’s 44 Club attracts. SO cute.

The Lego figures, created by 44 Club committee member and Leo Burnett creative Ben Gough and photographed by Adrian Burke, will appear on a series of postcards to be sent to the industry’s HR managers and those new to the industry.
Says Richard Lloyd, 44 Club Chairman and Head of Account Management, Lean Mean Fighting Machine: “As we all grew up we used Lego to learn about creativity and how to dream up imaginative ideas and contraptions. We’re hoping that Adland’s latest recruits will use the44 Club talks in the same way. To celebrate this and the luminaries who talk on our behalf, it only felt natural to immortalise them in yellow plastic.”

All I want to know is, where are these figures now? You can tell me, you've put them all into a giant Lego spaceship, haven't you?

Client: IPA 44 Club

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deeped's picture

I want a Dabitch lego figurine.

Dabitch's picture

Comes complete with whip and chain.