It's official: Old Spice wins teh intarwebs.

Creativity Online bagged Creative Director Jason Bagley, Digital Strategist Josh Millrod and Interactive Producer Ann-Marie Harbour for an interview, and it is good so go and read it.

One of the critical things that helped us pull it off was a custom program Trent Johnson in our Interactive department created. It automatically uploaded people's comments from Twitter, YouTube, Facebook and everywhere else, and then allowed us to write responses to the comments and upload them directly to a teleprompter. The day before we launched the videos we made a few video responses so we would have some when we went live, but most of them were written and shot on the fly after we went live. Isaiah's only preparation was being awesome, punching sharks and pumping mass loads of weights.

This is a campaign that got everyone involved, and now everyone is putting their two cents in commenting on it. Adbroad called it "a move that seems destined to reshape the way brands interact with consumers", Adfreak reminds us that it all "wouldn't have meant much without the more traditional element—a brilliant character written by Wieden + Kennedy and performed hilariously by Mustafa". The Financial post called it a "social media tour de force" - even 4chan (yes,they went there) were amused. When Old Spice stopped working, the internet took over with Reddit users putting together Old an Spice Voicemail generator.

Now, everyone is talking about it, still. Google's CEO is going gaga over the campaign telling Techcrunch that Old Spice is the future

At the tail-end of a long, very long, 90-minute earnings call in which I dozed off at least three times, Google CFO Patrick Pichette perked me up when he made a reference to the Old Spice social media marketing campaign. “It just gives you a glimpse of where the world is going,” he said with a touch of awe in his voice.

Yes folks, The Minority Report is finally here and it's not what you were expecting, is it? I for one am very glad we can stop talking about the subservient chicken now.

As a cherry on top we have remixes of the ads appearing, like this one from Mike Relm. Groove on you shirtless dreamy hunk.

Way back in Feb, Twit did an interview with Craig Allen and Eric Kallman from Wieden + Kennedy , the creative team behind the man your man could smell like.

src="">subservient chicken now.

As a cherry on top we have remixes of the ads appearing, like this one from Mike Relm. Groove on you shirtless dreamy hunk.

Way back in Feb, Twit did an interview with Craig Allen and Eric Kallman from Wieden + Kennedy , the creative team behind the man your man could smell like.

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