John Lewis & Partners Christmas Ad 2018 “The Boy and the Piano” (2018) : 90 (UK)

I look forward to the UK Christmas ads and in particular John Lewis', every year. This is the new super bowl season for ad-lovers. This years story does not disappoint, Adam&eveDDB has done it again.

This film begins in the present day and works backwards chronologically through Elton’s life right until the moment on that Christmas morning when he received the special gift that changed his life forever.

It's this clever way of telling the story that will win awards in the near future, and right now makes half of the UK rip out the kleenex. I don't even care if the story is true of a complete fabrication. Let's all try and find that really special gift for someone who is important to us. Merry Christmas!

Ad agency: Adam&eveDDB (London, UK)

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