Jon Barber Joins R A U C O U S Content

Hollywood-based production company R A U C O U S Content is joined by the versatile, trilingual director Jon Barber.

In the past decade, Jon Barber has worked with a long list of heavy hitters – BBDO, Crispin Porter Bogusky, Leo Burnett, McCann Erikson, Mullen, Publicis, Saatchi & Saatchi, Sid Lee, TAXI and Y&R – and directed spots for brands as varied as Burger King, BMW, Coke, Chobani, Doritos, FedEx, Mercedes, Timberland and McDonald’s, just to name a few.

The industry first took note of Barber when he was named a finalist at the prestigious Young Director Awards in Cannes and received a Gold Telly for his spec work with Audi. Since then he’s added a Créa Award for his Arcadia Festival spots and the trophy for The One Show’s Call for Entry competition for his “Young Guns” Music Video.

Because of his global travels, Barber has developed an eclectic aesthetic. He fell in love with filmmaking and aesthetics as an Army brat based in Germany, where he spent much of his young adult life. Barber went on to study at the University of Vermont and the University of Salzburg in Austria before ending up in Los Angeles to gain production experience and kick-start his directing career. In 2006, Barber relocated to Montreal and worked extensively throughout Canada, Europe and the US on everything from commercials to short films and music videos, honing his visual and comedic chops. Joining R A U C O U S means Barber will once again call Los Angeles his homebase.

On teaming up with Executive Producers Steve Wi and Phyllis Koenig at R A U C O U S, Barber says, “When I talked with Steve and Phyllis, they had a clear, specific plan as to the direction they see me going, and that laser focus really impressed me. Not to mention they are genuinely nice people!”

He goes on to say: “You can see their experience shine through in the thoughtful way they’ve developed the careers of up-and-comers that are newer to the market. They have a track record of putting real time and care into building directors and relationships, which is evident in the quality of work they put out.”

Executive Producer Steve Wi is thrilled to get Jon on the team, saying, “His unique eye, his personality, his wit, it shines through the work. Jon is a gifted storyteller, particularly when it comes to his command of comedy. It was love at first sight, and I knew we had to have him.”

Since its inception in 2016, R A U C O U S Content has continued to grow their talented pool of forward-thinking content creators and influencers. The R A U C O U S directorial roster hosts the talents of Ben Callner, Keith Ehrlich, Luis Gerard, Adam Gunser, Chris Hooper, Paul Iannachino, Vance Malone, Rob McElhenney, Matt Rainwaters, Daniel Strange and Matt Shakman, who recently helmed two episodes of Game of Thrones, including the bombastic Loot Train fight at the end of the celebrated episode “Spoils of War.”

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