Kia Sorento "The Perfect Getaway" (2015) 1:10 (USA)

Pierce Brosnan stars in this Super Bowl car porn spot for the Kia Sorento. In it, the typical smarmy agent tries to sell him on a "big part," but everything Pierce suggests will be in the film turns out to be wrong. No missiles. No exploding houses. No high-speed chases. But there is a girl, and he gets to keep the car. It's not quite as navel-gazing as say, Samsung's 2013 Super Bowl spot, as it's making fun of Hollywood as much as advertising. It's more done with tongue firmly in cheek. On the plus side, it also features some great cinematography. As a Super Bowl spot though I think it belongs in the "We got (X celebrity) for our spot) execution, and that's kind of it. Likable and inoffensive.

Agency: David&Goliath, LA
Founder & Chairman: David Angelo
Chief Creative Officer: Colin Jeffery
Group Creative Director: Steve Yee
Group Creative Director: Ben Purcell
Creative Director: John O'Hea
Sr. Art Director: Mike Cornell
Art Director: Ben Tolbert
Sr. Copywriter: Andy Sciamanna
Copywriter: Chris Juhas
Head of Production: Paul Albanese
Agency Executive Producer: Christopher Coleman
Broadcast Producer: Marisa Bursteen

President: Brian Dunbar
Group Account Director: Brook Dore
Account Director: Adam Blankenship
Management Supervisor: Nancy Ramirez
Account Executive: Denny Tran
Assistant Account Executive: Annelise Lorenzo

Digital Account Director: Jeanann Grubbs
Digital Account Executive: Sarah Kirsch

Managing Partner, Chief Strategy Officer: Seema Miller
Senior Planner: Ed Gibson

Director, Business Affairs: Rodney Pizarro
Business Affairs Manager: Camara Price

Project Manager: Kemit Ray
Product Information Manager: Russ Wortman

Production Company: MJZ
Director: Matthijs Van Heijningen
Director of Photography: Joost Van Gelder
President: David Zander
Executive Producer: Scott Howard
Producer: Donald Taylor
Editorial Company: Union Editorial/Circus
Editor: Jono Griffith
Assistant Editor: Drew Johnson
Executive Producer/President: Michael Raimondi
Senior Producer: Joe Ross
Online & Color: The Mill
Executive Producer: Sue Troyan
Executive Producer: Enca Kaul
Executive Producer: Reece Ewing
Senior Producer: Diana De Vries
2D Lead/VFX Supervisor: John Shirley
Head of 3D, Creative Director: John Leonti
CG Lead: Sid Harrington-Odedra
2D Artists: Narbeh Mardirossian, Chris Payne, Rob Winfield, Yukiko Ishiwata, Fergal Hendrick, Patrick Wong
3D Artists: David Hampstead, James Mulholland, Sergio Xisto, Rim Khayat, Vasillis Pazionis, Filippo Forno, Adam Dewhirst, Christos Parliaros, Andrew Bartholomew, Adam Darrah, Michael O’Donoghue, Philip Maddock
Matte Painting: Kieran Belshaw
Production Coordinator: Daniel Midgley
Colorist: Dave Ludlam
Color Executive Producer: Thatcher Peterson
Color Production Coordinator: Diane Valera
Music & Sound Design: Stimmung
Composer: David Winer
Sound Designer: Gus Koven
Assistant Sound Designer: William Flynn
Creative Director: Jason Johnson
Executive Producer: Ceinwyn Clark
Mix: Margarita Mix
Sound Engineer: Nathan Dubin

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