Laboratoires SIVO - Mafia / Kidnapping / Turkish bath - Tunis

If you are are nearsighted your eyes can play tricks on you.

Ok, fine. I get that. But here's what I don't get. While depicting possible kidnapping scenarios, Mafia-filled restaurants and saunas with leering dudes in them... What exactly are you saying about your client, Laboratoires SIVO, products and services? That's right, nothing. Nothing at all. Everyone who is nearsighted has this issue, and all you're really saying is that your client sells glasses, which I'm sure they can't be the only ones in Tunisia who do.

So yeah, nearsighted people without glasses and active imaginations see Hollywood-style action scenes where there isn't any. Got it.

Client : Laboratoires SIVO
Ad agency: JWT Tunis
Executive Creative Director : El Zoghlami Ahmed M'timet racem
Art Director / Copywriter : Art Director / Copywriter : M'timet racem
Copywriter : Bedioui Azyz
Business Director : MAHJOUB Ahmed
Planner : KADDOUR Hazem
Photographer : Chalghoum Karim
Print Producer : Not'Prod
Art Buyer : Jebnouni Soumaya

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