Läkerol - Makes people Talk - Rousing speech (2023) :45 (Sweden)

The Läkerol brand has used the slogan "Makes people talk" since 1993, and it is well-known internationally for its humorous commercials. In their latest Nordic campaign created by BBDO Nordics, they have taken a unique approach by parodying the famous and iconic power speeches often seen in Hollywood films.

In this new campaign, Läkerol uses everyday life problems as examples, such as when your friends prefer to stay in on a Friday night. They then cleverly place these relatable situations into a pop-cultural context by mimicking the dramatic style of Hollywood power speeches. This creates a humorous and engaging connection between the brand and its audience.

Ad Agency: BBDO Nordics, Stockholm, Sweden
Production company: Business Club Royale, Gothenburg, Sweden
Creative Director: Markus Bjurman
Art Director: Isaac Bonnier
Copywriter: Rasmus Tsardakas Renhuldt
Business Director: Eddie Hernandez
Client Manager: Åsa von Yxkull
Director: Gustav Sundström / Business Club Royale
Executive Producer: Siamand Masoodian / Business Club Royale
Strategist: Christian Godden
Graphic designer: Satany Doughouz
Graphic designer: Susanne Åström
Agency Producer: Josephine Lundquist / House Agency
Global Marketing Director: Katrine Bjerg Lauritzen / Cloetta
Global Media and Advertising Director: Suvi Numminen / Cloetta
Global Brand Manager: Elin Johansson / Cloetta

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