Lets celebrate Rampenfest!

In an idyllic Bavarian town named Oberpfaffelbachen, the villagers are preparing for Rampenfest. There will be lots of beer, pretzels and oh yeah, a big frickin' ramp. If all goes according to plan, a 135i BMW will fly Evel Knievel style from Europe to America.

To quote Dave Chappelle/Rick James, it's a celebration bitches! But it's also an uber-viral campaign by BMW. There's a mocumentary, a Facebook page and even news coverage from CNN.

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Allan1's picture

Here's CNN's take on it:

Viral video launches BMW

purplesimon's picture

I sat through the whole thing back in April. Thought it was funny and different. So much so I added it to my Google Notebook. The town name still cracks me up. Hadn't seen the CNN footage though. Clever.