Letter to my dear - 3000 generations grand-child to visualize nuclear waste (2016) (Sweden)

"Letter to my dear" has been created by the artist Lennart Grebelius, in collaboration with Forsman & Bodenfors to bring the question of our moral responsibility to future generations to the fore. If you want to skip https://youtu.be/Pf9s68ZZoho?t=852directly to the letter and past all those "great great great", do so as the letter itself is a long way in.

Nuclear waste has to be stored for 100,000 before it becomes safe for people, animals and nature itself. 100,000 years corresponds to 3,000 generations.

"The time perspective is dizzying and our responsibility for what we do today becomes so very obvious when you make it concrete. Do we really have the right to demand that the citizens of the future shall guard our radioactive rubbish?" says Lennart Grebelius.

The art project Letter to my dear is based on Grebelius’ book with the same title. Most of Grebelius’ earlier art projects revolve around time, chance and numbers, which is also very much the case for Letter to my dear where the 100,000 years are physically made visible. The core of the work is a letter to a child of a future generation.

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