Lost Eden wine is inviting you to a six-hour feast.

If you're stuck in the states and are tired of hearing about great resets and new normals and are bored out of your skull and resentful that leaders mandate you stay the hell home with your face diaper on while they dine unmasked at five-star restaurants, indulge in some escapism  and learn some history thanks to Georgian wine company Lost Eden.

The country (not the state) is inviting you to Supra, a six-hour long celebration on their website. Basically it's a Georgian version of Thanksgiving but with more dancing and more interesting food.

The campaign was created by Odysseus Arms and includes a lot of interesting info on the history of the country, the celebration and dedication to traditional wine making. 

The site is a fantastic resource if you want a deep dive on the history of Georgian culture and helps separate Lost Eden from competitors in their own country, as well as outside, too.

If you can't stay for the full six hours, don't worry. Cutdowns and highlights are rolling out in your social feeds, too. 

I stopped by for a few. It's shot well and the overall feeling is fun. Thankfully it's not just a locked off shot the whole time. I might just leave it on as pleasant background noise while I'm working today too.

Also, I do believe this is Adland's first Georgian entry. Welcome to Adland, Georgia! 


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