Lotus Bakeries - Blind Coffee Date - (2015) case study (Spain)

Lotus Bakeries created "the first social experiment on which you did not know who you would have a cup of coffee with", and all you had to do to join in was to book a time when you could have a blind date over a cup of coffee. Lotus Bakeries are convinced, you see, that any coffee enjoyed with their biscuit, is just the beginning of great conversations - and they set out to prove it. SO bloggers and social media e-celebs tried it out and soon so did other people connected to facebook and who knew that free biscuits and coffee would bring people together? Oh, that's right, Lotus Bakeries knew. I'm not all that impressed with this, but I'm sure the people who participated had fun, it's one of those ideas that doesn't look all that great in a case study but might have been fun while you were there.

Advertised brand: Lotus Bakeries
Advert title(s): Blind Coffee
Headline and copy text: Blind Coffee: The first social experiment on which you did not know who you would have a cup of coffee with.

Advertising Agency: Peanuts&Monkeys, Madrid, Spain
Agency website: http://peanutsmonkeys.com
Creative Director: Sunde J. Sastre y Mario Sánchez del Real
Account Director: Raúl Ramírez
Copywriter: Alex Sánchez
Published: June, 2015

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