LUX - Balloons (2006) :90 (Argentina)

A woman takes a bath in a bubble-bath-balloon tub. An airplane pilot is so shocked to see her that he crashes into a mountain. She inspires women all over the world to get off their sweaty work fields, out of their factories, and into bubble baths. 

Ad Agency: SANTO, Buenos Aires
Executive Creative Director: CCCI Produciones
Creative Director: Pablo Minces
Copywriter: Pablo Minces
Art Director: Luis Ghidotti
Agency Producer: Andrés Salmoyraghi/Facundo Perez
Advertiser's Supervisor: Solange Ricoy/Ivana Cunha/Corina Karsch/Fernando Laratro
Producer: Daniel Bergmann/Robert Herman/Rafa Montilla/Toni Moreno
Lighting Cameraman: JOHN LYNCH

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