Lycos Europe's Spam-attacking screensaver just too popular

Lycos Europe's "Make Love Not Spam" screensaver is no longer available for download. The company has pulled the program temporarily while it "deals with hosting and management issues" brought on by the over 100,000 people who're using it. The screensaver apparently clogs the bandwidth of known spam sites, and is already credited with taking down two such sites in China.

Note: Previous stories about this: Spray gives away free screensaver that DDoSes spam-sites - Tuesday, October 19, 2004
Spray DDoS screensaver launches worldwide - Monday, November 29, 2004


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According to security company F-Secure, one of the Web sites the company targeted in its zombie army traffic back to This means that Lycos Europe could have unintentionally affected its own Web site

I spoke to Mr Sjönell the other day about this toy, he even tipped me off to that moronic move by It's not like they hadn't thought of that before they put the finishing touches on their screensaver. So no, that "trick" did not work. Also their website wasn'st DDosed offline, but they did have to move it from one server to another due to a lot of people wanting to download the screensaver. Being popular is hardly an attack.

Believe the horses mouth or as you wish. I know what horse I'm betting on to tell it like it is.