Making of - "Driving can be beautiful" 2012 VW Jetta GLI

This is the making of Driving Can be Beautiful.

The final product, a 30-second spot airing on television and online, features the Jetta GLI acting as brush and a rain-slicked parking lot serving as the canvas. The performance culminates with a shot, taken from 150 feet above the parking lot, of the car completing a light painting of the Volkswagen logo.

In addition to the commercial and a short “making-of” documentary (also shot by Davis), the campaign will include some innovative out-of-home executions celebrating the Fall launch of the Jetta GLI featuring the actual long exposure photographs taken during the shoot.

Agency: Red Urban Canada
Creative Director: Christina Yu
Art Director: Joel Pylypiw
Copywriter: Dave Barber
Agency Producers: David Isaac, Andrea Hull
Account Supervisor: Sonia Ruckemann

Production Company: Untitled Films
Director:. Hubert Davis
Executive Producer: Lexy Kavluk
Line Producer: Tuula Hopp
Director of Photography: Adam Marsden

Editorial: Rooster Post
Editor: Dave De Carlo

Post Production: The Vanity
Compositor: Naveen Srivastava

Music and Sound Design: The Eggplant
Music Producer: Adam Damelin

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